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# Changelog
All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on [Keep a Changelog](https://keepachangelog.com/en/1.1.0/),
and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](https://semver.org/spec/v2.0.0.html).
## [Unreleased]
### Added
- Add the Library logo generated with <https://openart.ai> to README.md
- Add link to the coverage report in the README.md coverage label.
- Add the *convergence_best* hyperparameter to the BoostAODE class, to control the way the prior accuracy is computed if convergence is set. Default value is *false*.
### Internal
- Refactor library ArffFile to limit the number of samples with a parameter.
- Refactor tests libraries location to test/lib
- Refactor loadDataset function in tests.
- Remove conditionalEdgeWeights method in BayesMetrics.
## [1.0.5] 2024-04-20
### Added
- Install command and instructions in README.md
- Prefix to install command to install the package in the any location.
- The 'block_update' hyperparameter to the BoostAODE class, to control the way weights/significances are updated. Default value is false.
- Html report of coverage in the coverage folder. It is created with *make viewcoverage*
- Badges of coverage and code quality (codacy) in README.md. Coverage badge is updated with *make viewcoverage*
- Tests to reach 97% of coverage.
- Copyright header to source files.
- Diagrams to README.md: UML class diagram & dependency diagram
- Action to create diagrams to Makefile: *make diagrams*
### Changed
- Sample app now is a separate target in the Makefile and shows how to use the library with a sample dataset
- The worse model count in BoostAODE is reset to 0 every time a new model produces better accuracy, so the tolerance of the model is meant to be the number of **consecutive** models that produce worse accuracy.
- Default hyperparameter values in BoostAODE: bisection is true, maxTolerance is 3, convergence is true
### Removed
- The 'predict_single' hyperparameter from the BoostAODE class.
- The 'repeatSparent' hyperparameter from the BoostAODE class.
## [1.0.4] 2024-03-06
### Added
- Change *ascending* hyperparameter to *order* with these possible values *{"asc", "desc", "rand"}*, Default is *"desc"*.
- Add the *predict_single* hyperparameter to control if only the last model created is used to predict in boost training or the whole ensemble (all the models built so far). Default is true.
- sample app to show how to use the library (make sample)
### Changed
- Change the library structure adding folders for each group of classes (classifiers, ensembles, etc).
- The significances of the models generated under the feature selection algorithm are now computed after all the models have been generated and an α<sub>t</sub> value is computed and assigned to each model.
## [1.0.3] 2024-02-25
### Added
- Voting / probability aggregation in Ensemble classes
- predict_proba method in Classifier
- predict_proba method in BoostAODE
- predict_voting parameter in BoostAODE constructor to use voting or probability to predict (default is voting)
- hyperparameter predict_voting to AODE, AODELd and BoostAODE (Ensemble child classes)
- tests to check predict & predict_proba coherence
## [1.0.2] - 2024-02-20
### Fixed
- Fix bug in BoostAODE: do not include the model if epsilon sub t is greater than 0.5
- Fix bug in BoostAODE: compare accuracy with previous accuracy instead of the first of the ensemble if convergence true
## [1.0.1] - 2024-02-12
### Added
- Notes in Classifier class
- BoostAODE: Add note with used features in initialization with feature selection
- BoostAODE: Add note with the number of models
- BoostAODE: Add note with the number of features used to create models if not all features are used
- Test version number in TestBayesModels
- Add tests with feature_select and notes on BoostAODE
### Fixed
- Network predict test
- Network predict_proba test
- Network score test