
109 lines
5.3 KiB

#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
#include <locale>
#include "ReportConsole.h"
#include "BestScore.h"
#include "CLocale.h"
namespace platform {
string ReportConsole::headerLine(const string& text, int utf = 0)
int n = MAXL - text.length() - 3;
n = n < 0 ? 0 : n;
return "* " + text + string(n + utf, ' ') + "*\n";
void ReportConsole::header()
stringstream oss;
cout << Colors::MAGENTA() << string(MAXL, '*') << endl;
cout << headerLine("Report " + data["model"].get<string>() + " ver. " + data["version"].get<string>() + " with " + to_string(data["folds"].get<int>()) + " Folds cross validation and " + to_string(data["seeds"].size()) + " random seeds. " + data["date"].get<string>() + " " + data["time"].get<string>());
cout << headerLine(data["title"].get<string>());
cout << headerLine("Random seeds: " + fromVector("seeds") + " Stratified: " + (data["stratified"].get<bool>() ? "True" : "False"));
oss << "Execution took " << setprecision(2) << fixed << data["duration"].get<float>() << " seconds, " << data["duration"].get<float>() / 3600 << " hours, on " << data["platform"].get<string>();
cout << headerLine(oss.str());
cout << headerLine("Score is " + data["score_name"].get<string>());
cout << string(MAXL, '*') << endl;
cout << endl;
void ReportConsole::body()
auto tmp = ConfigLocale();
int maxHyper = 15;
int maxDataset = 7;
for (const auto& r : data["results"]) {
maxHyper = max(maxHyper, (int)r["hyperparameters"].dump().size());
maxDataset = max(maxDataset, (int)r["dataset"].get<string>().size());
cout << Colors::GREEN() << " # " << setw(maxDataset) << left << "Dataset" << " Sampl. Feat. Cls Nodes Edges States Score Time Hyperparameters" << endl;
cout << "=== " << string(maxDataset, '=') << " ====== ===== === ========= ========= ========= =============== =================== " << string(maxHyper, '=') << endl;
json lastResult;
double totalScore = 0.0;
bool odd = true;
int index = 0;
for (const auto& r : data["results"]) {
if (selectedIndex != -1 && index != selectedIndex) {
auto color = odd ? Colors::CYAN() : Colors::BLUE();
cout << color;
cout << setw(3) << right << index++ << " ";
cout << setw(maxDataset) << left << r["dataset"].get<string>() << " ";
cout << setw(6) << right << r["samples"].get<int>() << " ";
cout << setw(5) << right << r["features"].get<int>() << " ";
cout << setw(3) << right << r["classes"].get<int>() << " ";
cout << setw(9) << setprecision(2) << fixed << r["nodes"].get<float>() << " ";
cout << setw(9) << setprecision(2) << fixed << r["leaves"].get<float>() << " ";
cout << setw(9) << setprecision(2) << fixed << r["depth"].get<float>() << " ";
cout << setw(8) << right << setprecision(6) << fixed << r["score"].get<double>() << "±" << setw(6) << setprecision(4) << fixed << r["score_std"].get<double>();
const string status = compareResult(r["dataset"].get<string>(), r["score"].get<double>());
cout << status;
cout << setw(12) << right << setprecision(6) << fixed << r["time"].get<double>() << "±" << setw(6) << setprecision(4) << fixed << r["time_std"].get<double>() << " ";
cout << r["hyperparameters"].dump();
cout << endl;
cout << flush;
lastResult = r;
totalScore += r["score"].get<double>();
odd = !odd;
if (data["results"].size() == 1 || selectedIndex != -1) {
cout << string(MAXL, '*') << endl;
cout << headerLine(fVector("Train scores: ", lastResult["scores_train"], 14, 12));
cout << headerLine(fVector("Test scores: ", lastResult["scores_test"], 14, 12));
cout << headerLine(fVector("Train times: ", lastResult["times_train"], 10, 3));
cout << headerLine(fVector("Test times: ", lastResult["times_test"], 10, 3));
cout << string(MAXL, '*') << endl;
} else {
void ReportConsole::showSummary()
for (const auto& item : summary) {
stringstream oss;
oss << setw(3) << left << item.first;
oss << setw(3) << right << item.second << " ";
oss << left <<;
cout << headerLine(oss.str(), 2);
void ReportConsole::footer(double totalScore)
cout << Colors::MAGENTA() << string(MAXL, '*') << endl;
auto score = data["score_name"].get<string>();
auto best = BestScore::getScore(score);
if (best.first != "") {
stringstream oss;
oss << score << " compared to " << best.first << " .: " << totalScore / best.second;
cout << headerLine(oss.str());
if (!getExistBestFile() && compare) {
cout << headerLine("*** Best Results File not found. Couldn't compare any result!");
cout << string(MAXL, '*') << endl << Colors::RESET();