
333 lines
14 KiB

#include <sstream>
#include <locale>
#include "ReportExcel.h"
#include "BestScore.h"
namespace platform {
struct separated : numpunct<char> {
char do_decimal_point() const { return ','; }
char do_thousands_sep() const { return '.'; }
string do_grouping() const { return "\03"; }
ReportExcel::ReportExcel(json data_, bool compare, lxw_workbook* workbook) : ReportBase(data_, compare), row(0), workbook(workbook)
normalSize = 14; //font size for report body
colorTitle = 0xB1A0C7;
colorOdd = 0xDCE6F1;
colorEven = 0xFDE9D9;
lxw_workbook* ReportExcel::getWorkbook()
return workbook;
lxw_format* ReportExcel::efectiveStyle(const string& style)
lxw_format* efectiveStyle;
if (style == "") {
efectiveStyle = NULL;
} else {
string suffix = row % 2 ? "_odd" : "_even";
efectiveStyle = + suffix);
return efectiveStyle;
void ReportExcel::writeString(int row, int col, const string& text, const string& style)
worksheet_write_string(worksheet, row, col, text.c_str(), efectiveStyle(style));
void ReportExcel::writeInt(int row, int col, const int number, const string& style)
worksheet_write_number(worksheet, row, col, number, efectiveStyle(style));
void ReportExcel::writeDouble(int row, int col, const double number, const string& style)
worksheet_write_number(worksheet, row, col, number, efectiveStyle(style));
void ReportExcel::formatColumns()
worksheet_freeze_panes(worksheet, 6, 1);
vector<int> columns_sizes = { 22, 10, 9, 7, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 3, 15, 12, 23 };
for (int i = 0; i < columns_sizes.size(); ++i) {
worksheet_set_column(worksheet, i, i,, NULL);
void ReportExcel::addColor(lxw_format* style, bool odd)
uint32_t efectiveColor = odd ? colorEven : colorOdd;
format_set_bg_color(style, lxw_color_t(efectiveColor));
void ReportExcel::createStyle(const string& name, lxw_format* style, bool odd)
addColor(style, odd);
if (name == "textCentered") {
format_set_align(style, LXW_ALIGN_CENTER);
format_set_font_size(style, normalSize);
format_set_border(style, LXW_BORDER_THIN);
} else if (name == "text") {
format_set_font_size(style, normalSize);
format_set_border(style, LXW_BORDER_THIN);
} else if (name == "bodyHeader") {
format_set_font_size(style, normalSize);
format_set_align(style, LXW_ALIGN_CENTER);
format_set_align(style, LXW_ALIGN_VERTICAL_CENTER);
format_set_border(style, LXW_BORDER_THIN);
format_set_bg_color(style, lxw_color_t(colorTitle));
} else if (name == "result") {
format_set_font_size(style, normalSize);
format_set_border(style, LXW_BORDER_THIN);
format_set_num_format(style, "0.0000000");
} else if (name == "time") {
format_set_font_size(style, normalSize);
format_set_border(style, LXW_BORDER_THIN);
format_set_num_format(style, "#,##0.000000");
} else if (name == "ints") {
format_set_font_size(style, normalSize);
format_set_num_format(style, "###,##0");
format_set_border(style, LXW_BORDER_THIN);
} else if (name == "floats") {
format_set_border(style, LXW_BORDER_THIN);
format_set_font_size(style, normalSize);
format_set_num_format(style, "#,##0.00");
void ReportExcel::createFormats()
auto styleNames = { "text", "textCentered", "bodyHeader", "result", "time", "ints", "floats" };
lxw_format* style;
for (string name : styleNames) {
lxw_format* style = workbook_add_format(workbook);
style = workbook_add_format(workbook);
createStyle(name, style, true);
styles[name + "_odd"] = style;
style = workbook_add_format(workbook);
createStyle(name, style, false);
styles[name + "_even"] = style;
// Header 1st line
lxw_format* headerFirst = workbook_add_format(workbook);
format_set_font_size(headerFirst, 18);
format_set_align(headerFirst, LXW_ALIGN_CENTER);
format_set_align(headerFirst, LXW_ALIGN_VERTICAL_CENTER);
format_set_border(headerFirst, LXW_BORDER_THIN);
format_set_bg_color(headerFirst, lxw_color_t(colorTitle));
// Header rest
lxw_format* headerRest = workbook_add_format(workbook);
format_set_align(headerRest, LXW_ALIGN_CENTER);
format_set_font_size(headerRest, 16);
format_set_align(headerRest, LXW_ALIGN_VERTICAL_CENTER);
format_set_border(headerRest, LXW_BORDER_THIN);
format_set_bg_color(headerRest, lxw_color_t(colorOdd));
// Header small
lxw_format* headerSmall = workbook_add_format(workbook);
format_set_align(headerSmall, LXW_ALIGN_LEFT);
format_set_font_size(headerSmall, 12);
format_set_border(headerSmall, LXW_BORDER_THIN);
format_set_align(headerSmall, LXW_ALIGN_VERTICAL_CENTER);
format_set_bg_color(headerSmall, lxw_color_t(colorOdd));
// Summary style
lxw_format* summaryStyle = workbook_add_format(workbook);
format_set_font_size(summaryStyle, 16);
format_set_border(summaryStyle, LXW_BORDER_THIN);
format_set_align(summaryStyle, LXW_ALIGN_VERTICAL_CENTER);
styles["headerFirst"] = headerFirst;
styles["headerRest"] = headerRest;
styles["headerSmall"] = headerSmall;
styles["summaryStyle"] = summaryStyle;
void ReportExcel::setProperties()
char line[data["title"].get<string>().size() + 1];
strcpy(line, data["title"].get<string>().c_str());
lxw_doc_properties properties = {
.title = line,
.subject = (char*)"Machine learning results",
.author = (char*)"Ricardo Montañana Gómez",
.manager = (char*)"Dr. J. A. Gámez, Dr. J. M. Puerta",
.company = (char*)"UCLM",
.comments = (char*)"Created with libxlsxwriter and c++",
workbook_set_properties(workbook, &properties);
void ReportExcel::createFile()
if (workbook == NULL) {
workbook = workbook_new((Paths::excel() + fileName).c_str());
const string name = data["model"].get<string>();
string suffix = "";
string efectiveName;
int num = 1;
// Create a sheet with the name of the model
while (true) {
efectiveName = name + suffix;
if (workbook_get_worksheet_by_name(workbook, efectiveName.c_str())) {
suffix = to_string(++num);
} else {
worksheet = workbook_add_worksheet(workbook, efectiveName.c_str());
if (num > 100) {
throw invalid_argument("Couldn't create sheet " + efectiveName);
cout << "Adding sheet " << efectiveName << " to " << Paths::excel() + fileName << endl;
void ReportExcel::closeFile()
void ReportExcel::header()
locale mylocale(cout.getloc(), new separated);
stringstream oss;
string message = data["model"].get<string>() + " ver. " + data["version"].get<string>() + " " +
data["language"].get<string>() + " ver. " + data["language_version"].get<string>() +
" with " + to_string(data["folds"].get<int>()) + " Folds cross validation and " + to_string(data["seeds"].size()) +
" random seeds. " + data["date"].get<string>() + " " + data["time"].get<string>();
worksheet_merge_range(worksheet, 0, 0, 0, 12, message.c_str(), styles["headerFirst"]);
worksheet_merge_range(worksheet, 1, 0, 1, 12, data["title"].get<string>().c_str(), styles["headerRest"]);
worksheet_merge_range(worksheet, 2, 0, 3, 0, ("Score is " + data["score_name"].get<string>()).c_str(), styles["headerRest"]);
worksheet_merge_range(worksheet, 2, 1, 3, 3, "Execution time", styles["headerRest"]);
oss << setprecision(2) << fixed << data["duration"].get<float>() << " s";
worksheet_merge_range(worksheet, 2, 4, 2, 5, oss.str().c_str(), styles["headerRest"]);
oss << setprecision(2) << fixed << data["duration"].get<float>() / 3600 << " h";
worksheet_merge_range(worksheet, 3, 4, 3, 5, oss.str().c_str(), styles["headerRest"]);
worksheet_merge_range(worksheet, 2, 6, 3, 7, "Platform", styles["headerRest"]);
worksheet_merge_range(worksheet, 2, 8, 3, 9, data["platform"].get<string>().c_str(), styles["headerRest"]);
worksheet_merge_range(worksheet, 2, 10, 2, 12, ("Random seeds: " + fromVector("seeds")).c_str(), styles["headerSmall"]);
oss << "Stratified: " << (data["stratified"].get<bool>() ? "True" : "False");
worksheet_merge_range(worksheet, 3, 10, 3, 11, oss.str().c_str(), styles["headerSmall"]);
oss << "Discretized: " << (data["discretized"].get<bool>() ? "True" : "False");
worksheet_write_string(worksheet, 3, 12, oss.str().c_str(), styles["headerSmall"]);
void ReportExcel::body()
auto head = vector<string>(
{ "Dataset", "Samples", "Features", "Classes", "Nodes", "Edges", "States", "Score", "Score Std.", "St.", "Time",
"Time Std.", "Hyperparameters" });
int col = 0;
for (const auto& item : head) {
writeString(5, col++, item, "bodyHeader");
row = 6;
col = 0;
int hypSize = 22;
json lastResult;
double totalScore = 0.0;
string hyperparameters;
for (const auto& r : data["results"]) {
writeString(row, col, r["dataset"].get<string>(), "text");
writeInt(row, col + 1, r["samples"].get<int>(), "ints");
writeInt(row, col + 2, r["features"].get<int>(), "ints");
writeInt(row, col + 3, r["classes"].get<int>(), "ints");
writeDouble(row, col + 4, r["nodes"].get<float>(), "floats");
writeDouble(row, col + 5, r["leaves"].get<float>(), "floats");
writeDouble(row, col + 6, r["depth"].get<double>(), "floats");
writeDouble(row, col + 7, r["score"].get<double>(), "result");
writeDouble(row, col + 8, r["score_std"].get<double>(), "result");
const string status = compareResult(r["dataset"].get<string>(), r["score"].get<double>());
writeString(row, col + 9, status, "textCentered");
writeDouble(row, col + 10, r["time"].get<double>(), "time");
writeDouble(row, col + 11, r["time_std"].get<double>(), "time");
try {
hyperparameters = r["hyperparameters"].get<string>();
catch (const exception& err) {
stringstream oss;
oss << r["hyperparameters"];
hyperparameters = oss.str();
if (hyperparameters.size() > hypSize) {
hypSize = hyperparameters.size();
writeString(row, col + 12, hyperparameters, "text");
lastResult = r;
totalScore += r["score"].get<double>();
// Set the right column width of hyperparameters with the maximum length
worksheet_set_column(worksheet, 12, 12, hypSize + 5, NULL);
// Show totals if only one dataset is present in the result
if (data["results"].size() == 1) {
for (const string& group : { "scores_train", "scores_test", "times_train", "times_test" }) {
col = 1;
writeString(row, col, group, "text");
for (double item : lastResult[group]) {
string style = group.find("scores") != string::npos ? "result" : "time";
writeDouble(row, ++col, item, style);
// Set with of columns to show those totals completely
worksheet_set_column(worksheet, 1, 1, 12, NULL);
for (int i = 2; i < 7; ++i) {
// doesn't work with from col to col, so...
worksheet_set_column(worksheet, i, i, 15, NULL);
} else {
footer(totalScore, row);
void ReportExcel::showSummary()
for (const auto& item : summary) {
worksheet_write_string(worksheet, row + 2, 1, item.first.c_str(), styles["summaryStyle"]);
worksheet_write_number(worksheet, row + 2, 2, item.second, styles["summaryStyle"]);
worksheet_merge_range(worksheet, row + 2, 3, row + 2, 5,, styles["summaryStyle"]);
row += 1;
void ReportExcel::footer(double totalScore, int row)
row += 4 + summary.size();
auto score = data["score_name"].get<string>();
if (score == BestScore::scoreName()) {
worksheet_merge_range(worksheet, row, 1, row, 5, (score + " compared to " + BestScore::title() + " .:").c_str(), efectiveStyle("text"));
writeDouble(row, 6, totalScore / BestScore::score(), "result");
if (!getExistBestFile() && compare) {
worksheet_write_string(worksheet, row + 1, 0, "*** Best Results File not found. Couldn't compare any result!", styles["summaryStyle"]);