#include #include #include "Network.h" #include "bayesnet/utils/bayesnetUtils.h" namespace bayesnet { Network::Network() : features(std::vector()), className(""), classNumStates(0), fitted(false), laplaceSmoothing(0) {} Network::Network(float maxT) : features(std::vector()), className(""), classNumStates(0), maxThreads(maxT), fitted(false), laplaceSmoothing(0) {} Network::Network(Network& other) : laplaceSmoothing(other.laplaceSmoothing), features(other.features), className(other.className), classNumStates(other.getClassNumStates()), maxThreads(other. getmaxThreads()), fitted(other.fitted) { for (const auto& node : other.nodes) { nodes[node.first] = std::make_unique(*node.second); } } void Network::initialize() { features = std::vector(); className = ""; classNumStates = 0; fitted = false; nodes.clear(); samples = torch::Tensor(); } float Network::getmaxThreads() { return maxThreads; } torch::Tensor& Network::getSamples() { return samples; } void Network::addNode(const std::string& name) { if (name == "") { throw std::invalid_argument("Node name cannot be empty"); } if (nodes.find(name) != nodes.end()) { return; } if (find(features.begin(), features.end(), name) == features.end()) { features.push_back(name); } nodes[name] = std::make_unique(name); } std::vector Network::getFeatures() const { return features; } int Network::getClassNumStates() const { return classNumStates; } int Network::getStates() const { int result = 0; for (auto& node : nodes) { result += node.second->getNumStates(); } return result; } std::string Network::getClassName() const { return className; } bool Network::isCyclic(const std::string& nodeId, std::unordered_set& visited, std::unordered_set& recStack) { if (visited.find(nodeId) == visited.end()) // if node hasn't been visited yet { visited.insert(nodeId); recStack.insert(nodeId); for (Node* child : nodes[nodeId]->getChildren()) { if (visited.find(child->getName()) == visited.end() && isCyclic(child->getName(), visited, recStack)) return true; if (recStack.find(child->getName()) != recStack.end()) return true; } } recStack.erase(nodeId); // remove node from recursion stack before function ends return false; } void Network::addEdge(const std::string& parent, const std::string& child) { if (nodes.find(parent) == nodes.end()) { throw std::invalid_argument("Parent node " + parent + " does not exist"); } if (nodes.find(child) == nodes.end()) { throw std::invalid_argument("Child node " + child + " does not exist"); } // Temporarily add edge to check for cycles nodes[parent]->addChild(nodes[child].get()); nodes[child]->addParent(nodes[parent].get()); std::unordered_set visited; std::unordered_set recStack; if (isCyclic(nodes[child]->getName(), visited, recStack)) // if adding this edge forms a cycle { // remove problematic edge nodes[parent]->removeChild(nodes[child].get()); nodes[child]->removeParent(nodes[parent].get()); throw std::invalid_argument("Adding this edge forms a cycle in the graph."); } } std::map>& Network::getNodes() { return nodes; } void Network::checkFitData(int n_samples, int n_features, int n_samples_y, const std::vector& featureNames, const std::string& className, const std::map>& states, const torch::Tensor& weights) { if (weights.size(0) != n_samples) { throw std::invalid_argument("Weights (" + std::to_string(weights.size(0)) + ") must have the same number of elements as samples (" + std::to_string(n_samples) + ") in Network::fit"); } if (n_samples != n_samples_y) { throw std::invalid_argument("X and y must have the same number of samples in Network::fit (" + std::to_string(n_samples) + " != " + std::to_string(n_samples_y) + ")"); } if (n_features != featureNames.size()) { throw std::invalid_argument("X and features must have the same number of features in Network::fit (" + std::to_string(n_features) + " != " + std::to_string(featureNames.size()) + ")"); } if (n_features != features.size() - 1) { throw std::invalid_argument("X and local features must have the same number of features in Network::fit (" + std::to_string(n_features) + " != " + std::to_string(features.size() - 1) + ")"); } if (find(features.begin(), features.end(), className) == features.end()) { throw std::invalid_argument("className not found in Network::features"); } for (auto& feature : featureNames) { if (find(features.begin(), features.end(), feature) == features.end()) { throw std::invalid_argument("Feature " + feature + " not found in Network::features"); } if (states.find(feature) == states.end()) { throw std::invalid_argument("Feature " + feature + " not found in states"); } } } void Network::setStates(const std::map>& states) { // Set states to every Node in the network for_each(features.begin(), features.end(), [this, &states](const std::string& feature) { nodes.at(feature)->setNumStates(states.at(feature).size()); }); classNumStates = nodes.at(className)->getNumStates(); } // X comes in nxm, where n is the number of features and m the number of samples void Network::fit(const torch::Tensor& X, const torch::Tensor& y, const torch::Tensor& weights, const std::vector& featureNames, const std::string& className, const std::map>& states) { checkFitData(X.size(1), X.size(0), y.size(0), featureNames, className, states, weights); this->className = className; torch::Tensor ytmp = torch::transpose(y.view({ y.size(0), 1 }), 0, 1); samples = torch::cat({ X , ytmp }, 0); for (int i = 0; i < featureNames.size(); ++i) { auto row_feature = X.index({ i, "..." }); } completeFit(states, weights); } void Network::fit(const torch::Tensor& samples, const torch::Tensor& weights, const std::vector& featureNames, const std::string& className, const std::map>& states) { checkFitData(samples.size(1), samples.size(0) - 1, samples.size(1), featureNames, className, states, weights); this->className = className; this->samples = samples; completeFit(states, weights); } // input_data comes in nxm, where n is the number of features and m the number of samples void Network::fit(const std::vector>& input_data, const std::vector& labels, const std::vector& weights_, const std::vector& featureNames, const std::string& className, const std::map>& states) { const torch::Tensor weights = torch::tensor(weights_, torch::kFloat64); checkFitData(input_data[0].size(), input_data.size(), labels.size(), featureNames, className, states, weights); this->className = className; // Build tensor of samples (nxm) (n+1 because of the class) samples = torch::zeros({ static_cast(input_data.size() + 1), static_cast(input_data[0].size()) }, torch::kInt32); for (int i = 0; i < featureNames.size(); ++i) { samples.index_put_({ i, "..." }, torch::tensor(input_data[i], torch::kInt32)); } samples.index_put_({ -1, "..." }, torch::tensor(labels, torch::kInt32)); completeFit(states, weights); } void Network::completeFit(const std::map>& states, const torch::Tensor& weights) { setStates(states); laplaceSmoothing = 1.0 / samples.size(1); // To use in CPT computation std::vector threads; for (auto& node : nodes) { threads.emplace_back([this, &node, &weights]() { node.second->computeCPT(samples, features, laplaceSmoothing, weights); }); } for (auto& thread : threads) { thread.join(); } fitted = true; } torch::Tensor Network::predict_tensor(const torch::Tensor& samples, const bool proba) { if (!fitted) { throw std::logic_error("You must call fit() before calling predict()"); } torch::Tensor result; result = torch::zeros({ samples.size(1), classNumStates }, torch::kFloat64); for (int i = 0; i < samples.size(1); ++i) { const torch::Tensor sample = samples.index({ "...", i }); auto psample = predict_sample(sample); auto temp = torch::tensor(psample, torch::kFloat64); // result.index_put_({ i, "..." }, torch::tensor(predict_sample(sample), torch::kFloat64)); result.index_put_({ i, "..." }, temp); } if (proba) return result; return result.argmax(1); } // Return mxn tensor of probabilities torch::Tensor Network::predict_proba(const torch::Tensor& samples) { return predict_tensor(samples, true); } // Return mxn tensor of probabilities torch::Tensor Network::predict(const torch::Tensor& samples) { return predict_tensor(samples, false); } // Return mx1 std::vector of predictions // tsamples is nxm std::vector of samples std::vector Network::predict(const std::vector>& tsamples) { if (!fitted) { throw std::logic_error("You must call fit() before calling predict()"); } std::vector predictions; std::vector sample; for (int row = 0; row < tsamples[0].size(); ++row) { sample.clear(); for (int col = 0; col < tsamples.size(); ++col) { sample.push_back(tsamples[col][row]); } std::vector classProbabilities = predict_sample(sample); // Find the class with the maximum posterior probability auto maxElem = max_element(classProbabilities.begin(), classProbabilities.end()); int predictedClass = distance(classProbabilities.begin(), maxElem); predictions.push_back(predictedClass); } return predictions; } // Return mxn std::vector of probabilities // tsamples is nxm std::vector of samples std::vector> Network::predict_proba(const std::vector>& tsamples) { if (!fitted) { throw std::logic_error("You must call fit() before calling predict_proba()"); } std::vector> predictions; std::vector sample; for (int row = 0; row < tsamples[0].size(); ++row) { sample.clear(); for (int col = 0; col < tsamples.size(); ++col) { sample.push_back(tsamples[col][row]); } predictions.push_back(predict_sample(sample)); } return predictions; } double Network::score(const std::vector>& tsamples, const std::vector& labels) { std::vector y_pred = predict(tsamples); int correct = 0; for (int i = 0; i < y_pred.size(); ++i) { if (y_pred[i] == labels[i]) { correct++; } } return (double)correct / y_pred.size(); } // Return 1xn std::vector of probabilities std::vector Network::predict_sample(const std::vector& sample) { // Ensure the sample size is equal to the number of features if (sample.size() != features.size() - 1) { throw std::invalid_argument("Sample size (" + std::to_string(sample.size()) + ") does not match the number of features (" + std::to_string(features.size() - 1) + ")"); } std::map evidence; for (int i = 0; i < sample.size(); ++i) { evidence[features[i]] = sample[i]; } return exactInference(evidence); } // Return 1xn std::vector of probabilities std::vector Network::predict_sample(const torch::Tensor& sample) { // Ensure the sample size is equal to the number of features if (sample.size(0) != features.size() - 1) { throw std::invalid_argument("Sample size (" + std::to_string(sample.size(0)) + ") does not match the number of features (" + std::to_string(features.size() - 1) + ")"); } std::map evidence; for (int i = 0; i < sample.size(0); ++i) { evidence[features[i]] = sample[i].item(); } return exactInference(evidence); } double Network::computeFactor(std::map& completeEvidence) { double result = 1.0; for (auto& node : getNodes()) { result *= node.second->getFactorValue(completeEvidence); } return result; } std::vector Network::exactInference(std::map& evidence) { std::vector result(classNumStates, 0.0); std::vector threads; std::mutex mtx; for (int i = 0; i < classNumStates; ++i) { threads.emplace_back([this, &result, &evidence, i, &mtx]() { auto completeEvidence = std::map(evidence); completeEvidence[getClassName()] = i; double factor = computeFactor(completeEvidence); std::lock_guard lock(mtx); result[i] = factor; }); } for (auto& thread : threads) { thread.join(); } // Normalize result double sum = accumulate(result.begin(), result.end(), 0.0); transform(result.begin(), result.end(), result.begin(), [sum](const double& value) { return value / sum; }); return result; } std::vector Network::show() const { std::vector result; // Draw the network for (auto& node : nodes) { std::string line = node.first + " -> "; for (auto child : node.second->getChildren()) { line += child->getName() + ", "; } result.push_back(line); } return result; } std::vector Network::graph(const std::string& title) const { auto output = std::vector(); auto prefix = "digraph BayesNet {\nlabel=graph(className); output.insert(output.end(), result.begin(), result.end()); } output.push_back("}\n"); return output; } std::vector> Network::getEdges() const { auto edges = std::vector>(); for (const auto& node : nodes) { auto head = node.first; for (const auto& child : node.second->getChildren()) { auto tail = child->getName(); edges.push_back({ head, tail }); } } return edges; } int Network::getNumEdges() const { return getEdges().size(); } std::vector Network::topological_sort() { /* Check if al the fathers of every node are before the node */ auto result = features; result.erase(remove(result.begin(), result.end(), className), result.end()); bool ending{ false }; while (!ending) { ending = true; for (auto feature : features) { auto fathers = nodes[feature]->getParents(); for (const auto& father : fathers) { auto fatherName = father->getName(); if (fatherName == className) { continue; } // Check if father is placed before the actual feature auto it = find(result.begin(), result.end(), fatherName); if (it != result.end()) { auto it2 = find(result.begin(), result.end(), feature); if (it2 != result.end()) { if (distance(it, it2) < 0) { // if it is not, insert it before the feature result.erase(remove(result.begin(), result.end(), fatherName), result.end()); result.insert(it2, fatherName); ending = false; } } else { throw std::logic_error("Error in topological sort because of node " + feature + " is not in result"); } } else { throw std::logic_error("Error in topological sort because of node father " + fatherName + " is not in result"); } } } } return result; } void Network::dump_cpt() const { for (auto& node : nodes) { std::cout << "* " << node.first << ": (" << node.second->getNumStates() << ") : " << node.second->getCPT().sizes() << std::endl; std::cout << node.second->getCPT() << std::endl; } } }