#include #include "bayesnet/utils/bayesnetUtils.h" #include "IWSS.h" namespace bayesnet { IWSS::IWSS(const torch::Tensor& samples, const std::vector& features, const std::string& className, const int maxFeatures, const int classNumStates, const torch::Tensor& weights, const double threshold) : FeatureSelect(samples, features, className, maxFeatures, classNumStates, weights), threshold(threshold) { if (threshold < 0 || threshold > .5) { throw std::invalid_argument("Threshold has to be in [0, 0.5]"); } } void IWSS::fit() { initialize(); computeSuLabels(); auto featureOrder = argsort(suLabels); // sort descending order auto featureOrderCopy = featureOrder; // Add first and second features to result // First with its own score auto first_feature = pop_first(featureOrderCopy); selectedFeatures.push_back(first_feature); selectedScores.push_back(suLabels.at(first_feature)); // Second with the score of the candidates selectedFeatures.push_back(pop_first(featureOrderCopy)); auto merit = computeMeritCFS(); selectedScores.push_back(merit); for (const auto feature : featureOrderCopy) { selectedFeatures.push_back(feature); // Compute merit with selectedFeatures auto meritNew = computeMeritCFS(); double delta = merit != 0.0 ? std::abs(merit - meritNew) / merit : 0.0; if (meritNew > merit || delta < threshold) { if (meritNew > merit) { merit = meritNew; } selectedScores.push_back(meritNew); } else { selectedFeatures.pop_back(); break; } if (selectedFeatures.size() == maxFeatures) { break; } } fitted = true; } }