#include "Mst.h" #include "BayesMetrics.h" namespace bayesnet { //samples is n+1xm tensor used to fit the model Metrics::Metrics(const torch::Tensor& samples, const std::vector& features, const std::string& className, const int classNumStates) : samples(samples) , features(features) , className(className) , classNumStates(classNumStates) { } //samples is nxm std::vector used to fit the model Metrics::Metrics(const std::vector>& vsamples, const std::vector& labels, const std::vector& features, const std::string& className, const int classNumStates) : features(features) , className(className) , classNumStates(classNumStates) , samples(torch::zeros({ static_cast(vsamples[0].size()), static_cast(vsamples.size() + 1) }, torch::kInt32)) { for (int i = 0; i < vsamples.size(); ++i) { samples.index_put_({ i, "..." }, torch::tensor(vsamples[i], torch::kInt32)); } samples.index_put_({ -1, "..." }, torch::tensor(labels, torch::kInt32)); } std::vector Metrics::SelectKBestWeighted(const torch::Tensor& weights, bool ascending, unsigned k) { // Return the K Best features auto n = samples.size(0) - 1; if (k == 0) { k = n; } // compute scores scoresKBest.clear(); featuresKBest.clear(); auto label = samples.index({ -1, "..." }); for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) { scoresKBest.push_back(mutualInformation(label, samples.index({ i, "..." }), weights)); featuresKBest.push_back(i); } // sort & reduce scores and features if (ascending) { sort(featuresKBest.begin(), featuresKBest.end(), [&](int i, int j) { return scoresKBest[i] < scoresKBest[j]; }); sort(scoresKBest.begin(), scoresKBest.end(), std::less()); if (k < n) { for (int i = 0; i < n - k; ++i) { featuresKBest.erase(featuresKBest.begin()); scoresKBest.erase(scoresKBest.begin()); } } } else { sort(featuresKBest.begin(), featuresKBest.end(), [&](int i, int j) { return scoresKBest[i] > scoresKBest[j]; }); sort(scoresKBest.begin(), scoresKBest.end(), std::greater()); featuresKBest.resize(k); scoresKBest.resize(k); } return featuresKBest; } std::vector Metrics::getScoresKBest() const { return scoresKBest; } torch::Tensor Metrics::conditionalEdge(const torch::Tensor& weights) { auto result = std::vector(); auto source = std::vector(features); source.push_back(className); auto combinations = doCombinations(source); // Compute class prior auto margin = torch::zeros({ classNumStates }, torch::kFloat); for (int value = 0; value < classNumStates; ++value) { auto mask = samples.index({ -1, "..." }) == value; margin[value] = mask.sum().item() / samples.size(1); } for (auto [first, second] : combinations) { int index_first = find(features.begin(), features.end(), first) - features.begin(); int index_second = find(features.begin(), features.end(), second) - features.begin(); double accumulated = 0; for (int value = 0; value < classNumStates; ++value) { auto mask = samples.index({ -1, "..." }) == value; auto first_dataset = samples.index({ index_first, mask }); auto second_dataset = samples.index({ index_second, mask }); auto weights_dataset = weights.index({ mask }); auto mi = mutualInformation(first_dataset, second_dataset, weights_dataset); auto pb = margin[value].item(); accumulated += pb * mi; } result.push_back(accumulated); } long n_vars = source.size(); auto matrix = torch::zeros({ n_vars, n_vars }); auto indices = torch::triu_indices(n_vars, n_vars, 1); for (auto i = 0; i < result.size(); ++i) { auto x = indices[0][i]; auto y = indices[1][i]; matrix[x][y] = result[i]; matrix[y][x] = result[i]; } return matrix; } // To use in Python std::vector Metrics::conditionalEdgeWeights(std::vector& weights_) { const torch::Tensor weights = torch::tensor(weights_); auto matrix = conditionalEdge(weights); std::vector v(matrix.data_ptr(), matrix.data_ptr() + matrix.numel()); return v; } double Metrics::entropy(const torch::Tensor& feature, const torch::Tensor& weights) { torch::Tensor counts = feature.bincount(weights); double totalWeight = counts.sum().item(); torch::Tensor probs = counts.to(torch::kFloat) / totalWeight; torch::Tensor logProbs = torch::log(probs); torch::Tensor entropy = -probs * logProbs; return entropy.nansum().item(); } // H(Y|X) = sum_{x in X} p(x) H(Y|X=x) double Metrics::conditionalEntropy(const torch::Tensor& firstFeature, const torch::Tensor& secondFeature, const torch::Tensor& weights) { int numSamples = firstFeature.sizes()[0]; torch::Tensor featureCounts = secondFeature.bincount(weights); std::unordered_map> jointCounts; double totalWeight = 0; for (auto i = 0; i < numSamples; i++) { jointCounts[secondFeature[i].item()][firstFeature[i].item()] += weights[i].item(); totalWeight += weights[i].item(); } if (totalWeight == 0) return 0; double entropyValue = 0; for (int value = 0; value < featureCounts.sizes()[0]; ++value) { double p_f = featureCounts[value].item() / totalWeight; double entropy_f = 0; for (auto& [label, jointCount] : jointCounts[value]) { double p_l_f = jointCount / featureCounts[value].item(); if (p_l_f > 0) { entropy_f -= p_l_f * log(p_l_f); } else { entropy_f = 0; } } entropyValue += p_f * entropy_f; } return entropyValue; } // I(X;Y) = H(Y) - H(Y|X) double Metrics::mutualInformation(const torch::Tensor& firstFeature, const torch::Tensor& secondFeature, const torch::Tensor& weights) { return entropy(firstFeature, weights) - conditionalEntropy(firstFeature, secondFeature, weights); } /* Compute the maximum spanning tree considering the weights as distances and the indices of the weights as nodes of this square matrix using Kruskal algorithm */ std::vector> Metrics::maximumSpanningTree(const std::vector& features, const torch::Tensor& weights, const int root) { auto mst = MST(features, weights, root); return mst.maximumSpanningTree(); } }