Implement Conditional Mutual Information

This commit is contained in:
Ricardo Montañana Gómez 2024-05-15 00:48:02 +02:00
parent 56b62a67cc
commit e2e0fb0c40
Signed by: rmontanana
GPG Key ID: 46064262FD9A7ADE
3 changed files with 145 additions and 1 deletions

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@ -4,6 +4,9 @@
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
// ***************************************************************
#include <map>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <tuple>
#include "Mst.h"
#include "BayesMetrics.h"
namespace bayesnet {
@ -105,6 +108,8 @@ namespace bayesnet {
return matrix;
// Measured in nats (natural logarithm (log) base e)
// Elements of Information Theory, 2nd Edition, Thomas M. Cover, Joy A. Thomas p. 14
double Metrics::entropy(const torch::Tensor& feature, const torch::Tensor& weights)
torch::Tensor counts = feature.bincount(weights);
@ -143,11 +148,117 @@ namespace bayesnet {
return entropyValue;
// H(Y|X,C) = sum_{x in X, c in C} p(x,c) H(Y|X=x,C=c)
double Metrics::conditionalEntropy(const torch::Tensor& firstFeature, const torch::Tensor& secondFeature, const torch::Tensor& labels, const torch::Tensor& weights)
// Ensure the tensors are of the same length
assert(firstFeature.size(0) == secondFeature.size(0) && firstFeature.size(0) == labels.size(0) && firstFeature.size(0) == weights.size(0));
// Convert tensors to vectors for easier processing
auto firstFeatureData = firstFeature.accessor<int, 1>();
auto secondFeatureData = secondFeature.accessor<int, 1>();
auto labelsData = labels.accessor<int, 1>();
auto weightsData = weights.accessor<double, 1>();
int numSamples = firstFeature.size(0);
// Maps for joint and marginal probabilities
std::map<std::tuple<int, int, int>, double> jointCount;
std::map<std::tuple<int, int>, double> marginalCount;
// Compute joint and marginal counts
for (int i = 0; i < numSamples; ++i) {
auto keyJoint = std::make_tuple(firstFeatureData[i], labelsData[i], secondFeatureData[i]);
auto keyMarginal = std::make_tuple(firstFeatureData[i], labelsData[i]);
jointCount[keyJoint] += weightsData[i];
marginalCount[keyMarginal] += weightsData[i];
// Total weight sum
double totalWeight = torch::sum(weights).item<double>();
// Compute the conditional entropy
double conditionalEntropy = 0.0;
for (const auto& [keyJoint, jointFreq] : jointCount) {
auto [x, c, y] = keyJoint;
auto keyMarginal = std::make_tuple(x, c);
double p_xc = marginalCount[keyMarginal] / totalWeight;
double p_y_given_xc = jointFreq / marginalCount[keyMarginal];
if (p_y_given_xc > 0) {
conditionalEntropy -= (jointFreq / totalWeight) * std::log(p_y_given_xc);
return conditionalEntropy;
double Metrics::conditionalEntropy2(const torch::Tensor& firstFeature, const torch::Tensor& secondFeature, const torch::Tensor& labels, const torch::Tensor& weights)
int numSamples = firstFeature.size(0);
// Get unique values for each variable
auto [uniqueX, countsX] = at::_unique(firstFeature);
auto [uniqueC, countsC] = at::_unique(labels);
// Compute p(x,c) for each unique value of X and C
std::map<int, std::map<std::pair<int, int>, double>> jointCounts;
double totalWeight = 0;
for (auto i = 0; i < numSamples; i++) {
int x = firstFeature[i].item<int>();
int y = secondFeature[i].item<int>();
int c = labels[i].item<int>();
const auto key = std::make_pair(x, c);
jointCounts[y][key] += weights[i].item<double>();
totalWeight += weights[i].item<float>();
if (totalWeight == 0)
return 0;
double entropyValue = 0;
// Iterate over unique values of X and C
for (int i = 0; i < uniqueX.size(0); i++) {
int x_val = uniqueX[i].item<int>();
for (int j = 0; j < uniqueC.size(0); j++) {
int c_val = uniqueC[j].item<int>();
double p_xc = 0; // Probability of (X=x, C=c)
double entropy_f = 0;
// Find joint counts for this specific (X,C) combination
for (auto& [y, jointCount] : jointCounts) {
auto joint_count_xc = jointCount.find({ x_val, c_val });
if (joint_count_xc != jointCount.end()) {
p_xc += joint_count_xc->second;
// Only calculate conditional entropy if p(X=x, C=c) > 0
if (p_xc > 0) {
p_xc /= totalWeight;
for (auto& [y, jointCount] : jointCounts) {
auto key = std::make_pair(x_val, c_val);
double p_y_xc = jointCount[key] / p_xc;
if (p_y_xc > 0) {
entropy_f -= p_y_xc * log(p_y_xc);
entropyValue += p_xc * entropy_f;
return entropyValue;
return 0;
// I(X;Y) = H(Y) - H(Y|X)
double Metrics::mutualInformation(const torch::Tensor& firstFeature, const torch::Tensor& secondFeature, const torch::Tensor& weights)
return entropy(firstFeature, weights) - conditionalEntropy(firstFeature, secondFeature, weights);
// I(X;Y|C) = H(Y|C) - H(Y|X,C)
double Metrics::conditionalMutualInformation(const torch::Tensor& firstFeature, const torch::Tensor& secondFeature, const torch::Tensor& labels, const torch::Tensor& weights)
return conditionalEntropy(firstFeature, labels, weights) - conditionalEntropy(firstFeature, secondFeature, labels, weights);
Compute the maximum spanning tree considering the weights as distances
and the indices of the weights as nodes of this square matrix using

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@ -18,12 +18,17 @@ namespace bayesnet {
std::vector<int> SelectKBestWeighted(const torch::Tensor& weights, bool ascending = false, unsigned k = 0);
std::vector<double> getScoresKBest() const;
double mutualInformation(const torch::Tensor& firstFeature, const torch::Tensor& secondFeature, const torch::Tensor& weights);
double conditionalMutualInformation(const torch::Tensor& firstFeature, const torch::Tensor& secondFeature, const torch::Tensor& labels, const torch::Tensor& weights);
torch::Tensor conditionalEdge(const torch::Tensor& weights);
std::vector<std::pair<int, int>> maximumSpanningTree(const std::vector<std::string>& features, const torch::Tensor& weights, const int root);
// Measured in nats (natural logarithm (log) base e)
// Elements of Information Theory, 2nd Edition, Thomas M. Cover, Joy A. Thomas p. 14
double entropy(const torch::Tensor& feature, const torch::Tensor& weights);
double conditionalEntropy(const torch::Tensor& firstFeature, const torch::Tensor& secondFeature, const torch::Tensor& labels, const torch::Tensor& weights);
double conditionalEntropy2(const torch::Tensor& firstFeature, const torch::Tensor& secondFeature, const torch::Tensor& labels, const torch::Tensor& weights);
torch::Tensor samples; // n+1xm torch::Tensor used to fit the model where samples[-1] is the y std::vector
std::string className;
double entropy(const torch::Tensor& feature, const torch::Tensor& weights);
std::vector<std::string> features;
template <class T>
std::vector<std::pair<T, T>> doCombinations(const std::vector<T>& source)

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@ -83,4 +83,32 @@ TEST_CASE("Select all features ordered by Mutual Information", "[Metrics]")
auto kBest = metrics.SelectKBestWeighted(raw.weights, true, 0);
REQUIRE(kBest.size() == raw.features.size());
REQUIRE(kBest == std::vector<int>({ 1, 0, 3, 2 }));
TEST_CASE("Entropy Test", "[Metrics]")
auto raw = RawDatasets("iris", true);
bayesnet::Metrics metrics(raw.dataset, raw.features, raw.className, raw.classNumStates);
auto result = metrics.entropy(raw.dataset.index({ 0, "..." }), raw.weights);
REQUIRE(result == Catch::Approx(0.9848175048828125).epsilon(raw.epsilon));
auto data = torch::tensor({ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1 }, torch::kInt32);
auto weights = torch::tensor({ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 }, torch::kFloat32);
result = metrics.entropy(data, weights);
REQUIRE(result == Catch::Approx(0.61086434125900269).epsilon(raw.epsilon));
data = torch::tensor({ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 }, torch::kInt32);
result = metrics.entropy(data, weights);
REQUIRE(result == Catch::Approx(0.693147180559945).epsilon(raw.epsilon));
TEST_CASE("Conditional Entropy", "[Metrics]")
auto raw = RawDatasets("iris", true);
bayesnet::Metrics metrics(raw.dataset, raw.features, raw.className, raw.classNumStates);
auto feature0 = raw.dataset.index({ 0, "..." });
auto feature1 = raw.dataset.index({ 1, "..." });
auto feature2 = raw.dataset.index({ 2, "..." });
auto feature3 = raw.dataset.index({ 3, "..." });
auto labels = raw.dataset.index({ 4, "..." });
auto result = metrics.conditionalEntropy(feature0, feature1, labels, raw.weights);
auto result2 = metrics.conditionalEntropy2(feature0, feature1, labels, raw.weights);
std::cout << "Result=" << result << "\n";
std::cout << "Result2=" << result2 << "\n";